Promoting Healthy Births
Figure: The percentage of new mothers who had all characteristics of a healthy birth composite Indicator (i.e. Had enough food to eat during pregnancy, reported no cigarette smoking during pregnancy, were a healthy weight before pregnancy, had an intended pregnancy)
Data Source: NM Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2015-2022 births
How is New Mexico Doing?
In 2022, nearly one-quarter of people giving live birth experienced all four characteristics of a healthy birth composite, including all four factors measured: prenatal food security, abstaining from tobacco use during pregnancy, having a healthy preconception weight (BMI) and intending their pregnancy when it occurred.
How does New Mexico compare to the nation?
New Mexico prenatal smoking prevalence is under the national average for 2021 births (3.6% v. 4.3%).
What does this mean?
Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of poor birth outcomes including preterm birth, low birth weight and birth defects of the mouth and lips. Mothers who are overweight or obese during the preconception period are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and the need for cesarean delivery than mothers who are of normal weight. Women with intended pregnancies (those wanted when conception occurred) are more likely to abstain from smoking tobacco or using other substances, are more likely to seek timely prenatal care and have better birth outcomes compared to women whose pregnancy is unintended (unwanted or mistimed).