Domestic Violence

Percentage of women who were physically abused during pregnancy

Figure: The percentage of new mothers who were physically abused (pushed, hit, slapped, kicked, choked or physically hurt in any other way) by a husband, boyfriend or partner during pregnancy, 2013-2022.

Data source: NM Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System

How is New Mexico Doing?

An estimated 1.3% of women who had a live birth in 2022 reported that they were physically abused by an intimate partner during their pregnancy.

How does New Mexico compare to the nation?

Among all PRAMS states in 2017-2022, 1.3% of women reported physical abuse during pregnancy, which indicates that New Mexico is close to the national average on this indicator.

What does this mean?

Women who are abused during pregnancy may be more likely to delay entry to prenatal care or other health services. Emotional and physical abuse in the perinatal period are associated to maternal depression, substance abuse, smoking during pregnancy, anemia, insufficient gestational weight gain, and unhealthy eating patterns. Intimate partner violence during pregnancy is also associated with a reduction in birth weight.

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