Child Health Insurance
Figure 13: Percentage of uninsured children by Federal Poverty Level (FPL), NM to US comparison, 2022.
Data Source: National Survey of Children’s Health, 2022
How is New Mexico Doing?
In households with income below the Federal Poverty Level, nearly 15% of NM children are uninsured compared to 12.7% of children nationwide. Approximately 3% of those in households where incomes exceed 399% FPL are uninsured, mirroring the national average.
How does New Mexico compare to the nation?
NM has a higher proportion of uninsured children among those living in poverty compared to the U.S. Among those with the highest category of FPL (400%+), NM has an equal proportion of uninsured individuals as with the U.S.
What does this mean?
New Mexico does a better job of ensuring insurance coverge for families struggling with poverty compared to other states, and has arguably better systems in place to combat the impact of poverty on the child population.